Over the last year, The Wake Robin Marketing Team discovered the truth of the timeless proverb “necessity is the mother of invention.” The pandemic required that the campus close down to visitors, and in order develop relationships and engage folks interested in Vermont’s only Life Plan Community, Director of Marketing MaryBeth Dudley got creative.

Director of Dining Kate Hays gave a cooking webinar
Usually, on-campus events mostly bring in local people and those from the region. Going from live events to web events provided a tremendous opportunity to reach people from all over the country, and Wake Robin’s virtual programs attracted people from California, Texas, Florida, and a number of other states. People have truly come from all over the map!
Like many organizations, Wake Robin has utilized video conferencing to optimize its outreach. Marketing Admissions Planner Jane Mitchell helped curate topics to convey the scope of the community. “Nothing can replace visiting Wake Robin’s 136 acre campus in person. However, teaching interested parties about the in-depth care of the Linden Health Center, the many activities run by the Residents’ Association (WRRA), and how streamlined the admissions process can be – these are valuable insights that inform people in their decision making to come to Wake Robin,” Jane said.

Garrett Graff gave a presentation on history
Web events have taken two forms: webinars and group discussions. Webinars permit uninterrupted presentations, and can be informative about Wake Robin or just culturally interesting. In the spring of 2020, Wake Robin invited local historian Garrett Graff to delivery a presentation on his latest book.
At the beginning of this year, the Marketing Team organized a web event which focused on a very popular subject: mindful decluttering and downsizing. Regarding the experts chosen for the webinars, one Priority Depositor commented, ” The presenters have all been extremely interesting and have an amazing background for the work they do.”

A popular webinar on mindful organizing and decluttering
This spring and summer, informative segments on cultural life at Wake Robin will be offered. In May, a Q&A session will be held with the President of the Wake Robin Residents’ Association. You can find out more information here. Then in June you can find out about Inquire, Wake Robin’s Lifelong Learning Program, with Program & Events Coordinator Jena Necrason. Be sure to visit the News & Events page for all upcoming events!