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Wake Robin

Wake Robin Web Events Reach Far and Wide

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Over the last year, The Wake Robin Marketing Team discovered the truth of the timeless proverb “necessity is the mother of invention.” The pandemic required that the campus close down to visitors, and in order develop relationships and engage folks interested in Vermont’s only Life Plan Community, Director of Marketing MaryBeth Dudley got creative.

Director of Dining Kate Hays gave a cooking webinar

Usually, on-campus events mostly bring in local people and those from the region. Going from live events to web events provided a tremendous opportunity to reach people from all over the country, and Wake Robin’s virtual programs attracted people from California, Texas, Florida, and a number of other states. People have truly come from all over the map!

Like many organizations, Wake Robin has utilized video conferencing to optimize its outreach. Marketing Admissions Planner Jane Mitchell helped curate topics to convey the scope of the community.  “Nothing can replace visiting Wake Robin’s 136 acre campus in person. However, teaching  interested parties about the in-depth care of the Linden Health Center, the many activities run by the Residents’ Association (WRRA), and how streamlined the admissions process can be – these are valuable insights that inform people in their decision making to come to Wake Robin,” Jane said.

Garrett Graff gave a presentation on history

Web events have taken two forms: webinars and group discussions. Webinars permit uninterrupted presentations, and can be informative about Wake Robin or just culturally interesting. In the spring of 2020, Wake Robin invited local historian Garrett Graff to delivery a presentation on his latest book.

At the beginning of this year, the Marketing Team organized a web event which focused on a very popular subject: mindful decluttering and downsizing. Regarding the experts chosen for the webinars, one Priority Depositor commented, ” The presenters have all been extremely interesting and have an amazing background for the work they do.”

A popular webinar on mindful organizing and decluttering

This spring and summer, informative segments on cultural life at Wake Robin will be offered. In May, a Q&A session will be held with the President of the Wake Robin Residents’ Association. You can find out more information here. Then in June you can find out about Inquire, Wake Robin’s Lifelong Learning Program, with Program & Events Coordinator Jena Necrason. Be sure to visit the News & Events page for all upcoming events!


July Virtual Event: “The Nuts & Bolts” of the Linden Health Care Center

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Priority Depositor virtual presentation: The How, When & Why of the Linden Health Care Center, Thursday July 15th 3pm EST

Please join the Marketing and Health Services teams to learn about how and why an Independent Living resident transitions to the Linden Health Care Center. The small group setting will allow for an in-depth discussion of the details and care that goes into the entire process. Use this link to pre-register.

We’ll be happy to see you!

For more information, contact Jane Mitchell, Marketing Admissions Planner at 802.264.5194 or

Not a depositor? Contact us to learn more.

June Priority Depositor Webinar Event: Lifelong Learning at Inquire

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Engagement, Entertainment & Education: Lifelong Learning at Wake Robin, Thursday 6/17 2pm

June’s Priority Depositor webinar event highlights Inquire, Wake Robin’s lifelong learning program. Program and Events Coordinator Jena Necrason will walk you through the fascinating components of this college semester-like program, which connects residents to workshops, lectures, and much more.

Pre-registration required. Please contact the Marketing Team to reserve your place by calling 802-264-5100 or emailing

Not a Priority Depositor and want to learn what a depositor status encompasses. Get in touch with the Marketing Team!

Meet the WRRA Webinar for Priority Depositors – May Virtual Event

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Meet the WRRA Webinar for Priority Depositors, Tuesday May 18th at 2pm

Come learn about the Wake Robin Residents’ Association (WRRA) and how it functions as the engine to our community. Hear from residents about the diverse range of programs and activities that make Wake Robin so unique. Pre-registration required. Please contact the Marketing Team at 802-264-5100 to reserve your place, and a Zoom link will be sent to you prior to the event.

Exclusively for Priority Depositors. Not a depositor and want to learn more? Get in touch by calling 802-264-5100 or emailing

Priority Depositor Virtual Events This April

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Please join MaryBeth Dudley, Director of Marketing, for a deep dive exploration of Wake Robin’s residency application process and eligibility guidelines. The small group setting will allow for an in-depth discussion of the confidential financial review, the health assessment, and the timeline for becoming a resident.
Two convenient dates are available – Tuesday, April 20th, and Thursday, April 22nd – with both sessions scheduled for 2PM EST. Space is limited to 12 participants in a 1-hour Zoom meeting format.
Click here to pre-register. For more information, contact Jane Mitchell, Marketing Admissions Planner at 802.264.5194 or
Not a depositor? Contact us to learn more.

WCAX3 Spotlights the Maple Syrup Tradition at Wake Robin

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 Showing the reporter the sugarhouse

In late March, local WCAX3 report Kevin Gaiss came to campus and interviewed two resident leaders of the sugaring operation. They discussed what it was like last year when the pandemic started, how this sugaring season is going, and how deeply embedded the sugaring experience is embedded in Wake Robin culture. 28th year and going strong, maple sugaring at Wake Robin is a proud celebration of the active and nature-based life residents enjoy throughout the seasons here.

 Showing the reporter where the sap goes into the evaporator

Watch the WCAX3 Wake Robin Maple Syrup Segment Here! 

Check out our blog on this year’s maple sugaring operation here!

Maple Sugaring Returns to Wake Robin

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Last spring our world was turned upside down, and Wake Robin’s maple sugaring operation was no exception. By mid-March 2020, residents were in the thick of boiling down gallons and gallons of sap that was collected from the property’s sugarbush. However, when the governor declared a State of Emergency and Wake Robin leadership instituted safety protocols for the campus, all activities had to cease. Residents understood the gravity of the situation, followed the state and community guidelines, and salvaged whatever maple syrup they had finished bottling.

A resident out on the trails to collect sap this March

There’s hope in the air this spring. Wake Robin remains Covid-free on campus and the majority of staff and residents are fully vaccinated. Activity groups are also prepared to operate safely. That’s because the Wake Robin Health and Resident Services department required every committee to submit a Covid-safety plan in order to resume their activities.

Getting instructions on the boiling process

The sugaring team adapted well. Sap collectors wore masks and kept a safe distance apart as they checked the 300 sap buckets in the lower and upper sugar bushes. Only a limited number of people could be present in the sugarhouse as boiling was under way. Through it all, residents were overjoyed to being back to what they love best. “Maple sugaring is truly a rite of spring at Wake Robin,” one resident said. “To get outdoors, to feel the changing of the seasons, and to taste the delicious syrup we made together, is very satisfying. We’re proud of what we do.”

The sugaring operation here gained attention beyond Wake Robin, when a local WCAX reporter came by and interviewed a couple of the maple sugaring leaders. You can watch the full segment here.

Behind the scenes with WCAX!


Covid-19 Vaccine Clinics a Major Success at Wake Robin

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A happy, vaccinated resident

With her team, Meagan Buckley, Director of Health and Resident Services, responded swiftly when she learned Wake Robin had been granted on-site Covid-19 vaccine clinics. The first clinic took place just three days after Christmas and planning and logistics had to wrapped up in a weekend. Now that the third and final clinic concluded this February, many at Wake Robin look back at the vaccination process with astonishment and some well-deserved pride.

Great Vaccination Rates

In total, the vaccination rate reached 100% in the Linden Health Center, with all 71 residents receiving both doses of vaccination. Staff hit a 90% vaccination rate: that’s 187 employees and well above the nation-wide staff vaccination rate for nursing homes. “It’s clear that what makes a difference is the staff’s commitment to the community,” reflected Meagan Buckley on the turnout.

Partnering with CVS

Pharmacists at work

The federal government mandated on-site Covid-19 Vaccine clinics for all nursing homes throughout the country, and with Wake Robin’s Linden Health Center designated as such by the state, Wake Robin was alerted late in 2020 that the clinics would start soon. The model required partnering with a pharmacy and Wake Robin teamed up with CVS, who had six pharmacists and four pharmacist assistants available every round to administer shots and monitor the workflow. “We felt very welcomed,” one CVS team member said. In fact, there was a link with one pharmacist to the community: she used to operate a pharmacy on campus when Wake Robin had one!

The partnership worked as a real collaboration. Wake Robin staff helped CVS in streamlining consent forms, educating resident and staff about side effects, converting the old fitness studio into a vaccine location and the break room into supervision area, and requesting appropriate dose amounts for each clinic. For vaccine awareness, nurses met with Linden residents one and one and also fielded questions from their families. Nick Fredette, Wake Robin’s nurse practitioner, hosted six Zoom sessions for staff to ask questions and learn more about the process. “The goal was simple,” Nick said, “to get immunity into our community.”

“This is hopeful”

The state of Vermont has begun vaccinations for citizens over seventy. When appointments opened up, Resident Services assisted eighty Independent Living Residents in scheduling their vaccination dates. It’s been a complete team effort at Wake Robin, and the community feel has bolstered since the vaccination roll out. A Linden resident was brought to tears the day she received her first vaccination. “This is progress. This is hopeful,” she said.



Wake Robin Woodworkers Build Desks for Students and Featured on Local News

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Wake Robin carpenters at work

Woodworking has always been a major trade and hobby at Wake Robin. Now a number of resident carpenters are using their skills for a worthy cause – building desks and giving them away free to remote learning students. Local 22/44 My Champlain Valley recently visited the workshop to check out all the buzz.

A kindergartener who received a desk!

Watch the entire Wake Robin segment here!

Wake Robin’s Lifelong Learning Program Inquire Reaches for Joy and Connection This Winter

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With so many things changing in our daily lives, Wake Robin Program and Events Coordinator Jena Necrason wanted to ensure this semester of Inquire empowered residents to deepen connections, have fun, and explore topics that surprise and delight them.

“This semester has been one of my favorites to put together.  I had to think way outside the box, using a new way of creative thinking, and the programs that emerged have brought a new sense of fun and playfulness to Inquire.”

This winter session of Inquire differs from traditional semesters of the past. Whereas before residents needed to preregister, now residents can sign up in more of a rolling admissions fashion. It’s a way to get more residents involved, and more programs and activities can be added as opportunities arise.

As usual – and what makes Inquire so exciting at Wake Robin – topic vary widely. One unique program features a presentation by Shelburne Museum’s Chief Curator, Kory Rogers. Rogers will showcase some of the Museum’s astonishing collection in a lecture titled “Early American Circus Posters.” Another unique program, “Flip the Script,” has residents meeting weekly on Zoom to read film scripts. They are currently reading the screenplay for Sense and Sensibility.

Virtual community movie script readings have been a delight!

So many Wake Robin residents love reading and writing as a lifetime hobby. Some are even published authors. It’s no wonder then that two main courses encourage residents to express themselves through written language. A poetry workshop was so successful in the fall that it’s been brought back for another round. Local poet, author, and educator Rebecca Starks will guide Wake Robin poets in a four-week workshop, in which residents offer constructive criticism to one another and “focus on the sites of energy in the poem and its further possibilities.”

A Legacy Letter writing workshop is also being brought back by popular demand. Jay Sherwin, founder of the Life Reflections Project, offers one-of-a-kind teaching as residents think about and compose a letter that allows them to “express values and transmit blessings to future generations.”

In addition to intellectual and artistic endeavors, Wake Robin’s Winter 2021 Inquire makes it a point to promote exercise and wellness. One activity draws from Wake Robin’s 20th anniversary in 2013, when identifying markers were placed next to 20 trees on Wake Robin’s trails and main campus. However, the markers are put away for the winter, and this activity, titled “Into the Woods,” challenges residents to identify the trees themselves! The person who identifies the most trees at the end of January receives a $50 gift card to Dakin Farm!

What’s the story of your art?

Finally, one program that’s generated tremendous buzz involves a bygone tool – the disposable camera. Necrason created the “Wake Robin Photo Challenge” as an opportunity to think about photography then and now, and the current culture of being able to  re-do, edit, and alter to make our photos immediately better. She is encouraging residents to “take a time machine” back to when we saw something we wanted to capture on film with no adjustments or fixes, and the idea of working from a place of in-the-moment inspiration.  The photos will be curated and displayed in the Community Center Lobby. Some themes to catalyze the residents’ imaginations range from “The Rainbow in Winter” to “This is Vermont” to “I Get By With a Little Help From My Friends.”

The programs are already underway and residents are having a blast. Lifelong learning is an essential part of the culture at Wake Robin and this winter’s Inquire demonstrates how resourceful – and creative – our residents can be.