Judy C moved with her husband to Wake Robin in 2016. Besides enjoying walking the trails, knitting, and hanging with friends on campus, Judy still follows her lifelong passion every week: caring for people in her social work job at UVM Medical Center.
She’s among a group of Wake Robin residents who continue their careers while living at Vermont’s only Life Plan Community. While other residents work as editors, author novels, and even repair bicycles at a local camp, Judy considers herself “a jack of all trades,” as a social work case manager who helps patients transition from hospital to home life. “It’s very much a team effort,” she says. “I collaborate with physicians, nursing staff, speech language and medical psychology therapists, all who give insight from their disciplines to ensure a safe transition.”

Judy enjoys the Wake Robin community and her professional one
Judy began her career at the University of Vermont Medical Center in 1992, and soon knew rehab social work was her calling. Her job requires tact, empathy, and great communication skills. “I need to meet the patient and their family where they are,” she says. Within her neurological and orthopedic inpatient unit, Judy serves as emotional support as well as logistics liaison for her patients. “Ultimately, it’s about making sure each patient has the optimal resources for when they continue their rehab at home. Transitioning from the hospital is just the beginning, and we educate and prepare each patient for them to have a successful and full recovery at home.”
Judy expresses gratitude for her ability to continue to work while thriving at Wake Robin. “It’s the best of both worlds for me. I’m able to tap into and enjoy the rich social network at Wake Robin. At UVMMC, I’m able to utilize my skills in my professional network.” Reflecting on what makes her job rewarding, Judy sums it up: “When we get someone home safely, that’s the best part, making sure patient and caretaker are ready to succeed with the challenges before them.”
Wake Robin includes residents from all sorts of professional backgrounds. The Community welcomes people with a diverse range of interests and wide lens of life experiences. If you or someone you know would like to make an inquiry, please reach out to the Marketing Department by emailing info@wakerobin.com or calling 802-264-5100.