Frequently Asked Questions
These are some of the questions we hear most often as people consider a move to Wake Robin. If you have others, please contact us.
These are some of the questions we hear most often as people consider a move to Wake Robin. If you have others, please contact us.
Everyone comes into the Wake Robin community as an independent resident. There are several steps in the process including a financial review, becoming a depositor, and then after accepting an offer for a home (apartment or cottage) a person would need to successfully complete a health assessment. Depending on what type of home you are interested in and qualify for, the process could take between 3 to 10 years….. we would be happy to talk in more detail with you.
Wake Robin is a free-standing, single-site Life Plan Community, (also known as a CCRC or Continuing Care Retirement Community). We are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, governed by a local board of directors.
There are just over 400 residents living in 250 homes (152 apartments, 98 cottages) plus the Linden Health Center. At any given time, there are 80 residents in the health center (on average) with the remaining 320+ in their independent-living homes.
There is an entrance fee and monthly fee for each home at Wake Robin based upon square footage and number of occupants. For example, a single person in our smallest apartment would pay an entrance fee of $242,810 and monthly fees of $4,170. See the Fee Schedule for the full list of entrance and monthly fees.
See the Amenities list for the details of what is covered. The basics include one meal per day, housekeeping, utilities, Wi-Fi, transportation, classes and social events. Each resident has access to the art studio, woodshop, gym, and the pool. As a Life Plan community, Wake Robin offers unlimited residential care, skilled nursing care, and memory care as needed. Roughly 40% of the entrance fee and monthly fees may be tax deductible as a pre-paid medical expense, depending upon your circumstances.
The current wait time to come to Wake Robin is 3 to 5 years for most homes, and 8 to 10 years for some of our larger cottages. The first step is to become a Depositor and then proceed to the Ready List. You will tell us your desired date of entry and your top three preferences of home styles.
Pets are a cherished part of life at Wake Robin. Each home may have two well behaved pets. The current pet census is 38 cats, 34 dogs, 1 Grey African parrot.
We are happy to have relatives and guests visit you and stay overnight in your home.
There are five dual-plug charging stations in various parts of our campus. These are Level 2 chargers for the use of residents, guests of residents, and staff members. At present, the ten plugs are available at no charge with the use of an authorization code. Garages have regular 110V outlets for trickle charging.
There are over 60 activity groups and committees under the auspices of the Wake Robin Resident Association (WRRA). There are groups that discuss books, manage the pool, run the pool tables, make maple syrup, play mah jongg, harvest honey, and work on climate change issues. Pick your favorite or start a new one. Click here for the current listing.
Want to know more about Wake Robin? Contact us to get your questions answered and to book a tour.
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