Wake Robin President & CEO, Meagan Buckley at the Tag Sale with Resident volunteers.
Saturday, June 7, 9:00 AM. You will want to put that on your calendar, so you don’t miss the next Wake Robin Tag Sale. This popular activity has happened every year since 1995 with only a two-year hiatus due to the pandemic. It’s the biggest event run by the Wake Robin Residents Association, and it feeds the activity budget for the year.
The Tag Sale is planned out over a whole year with seven collection dates to amass the treasures. This is Reduce, Reuse, Recycle to the nth degree. Over 40 volunteers take part in sorting the merchandise, and there are teams of Gleaners and Wranglers to select and move the items. There are 17 leadership positions, team leaders, and even designated cookie-bakers! It’s a well-oiled machine that spreads out over the one third acre site, the Hornbeam garage.
All Hornbeam residents know that they will have to park elsewhere for about a week in preparation for the sale. The floor gets power-washed, and all the merchandise is laid out in 19 departments…furniture, gardening, books, lamps, art, kitchenware, and much more.
On that Saturday morning, shoppers will begin lining up before 7:00 for the 9:00 start. It only runs until 3:00 so get ready for some competitive shopping! We had roughly 1,250 customers last year, and the lucky ones are offered a fresh-baked cookie while in the checkout line. Over half of the items will be sold and the remainder will be given to local charities. It’s a clean finish to a huge undertaking.
A special treat this year for the stars of our Tag Sale (all the residents) will be the screening of a documentary shot at last year’s event. The title? Tag Sale!