The Power of Relationships

By February 27, 2025 Blog

Residents work closely with the Shelburne Food Shelf

When people talk to us about why they want to come to Wake Robin, one of the reasons given is that they are looking for a sense of community. Equally important are the facility’s ties to the broader community outside of where they live. As life situations change, many find themselves separated from the life they once led. There can be feelings of isolation.

A recent article in iAdvance Senior Care, an online magazine, featured interviews with three senior care facility CEOs, including Wake Robin’s Meagan Buckley. While there are differences among the facilities, there are common threads for the foundations of success. The bonds between residents, staff, leadership and the community beyond, create a nurturing environment essential for daily operations.

Many residents have previously supported their communities before moving here. “They have always wanted to be engaged and now is a time in their life where they can give more time and wisdom to the greater community – ultimately providing profound meaning,” according to Meagan.

All three executives recognized the value of connecting with the outside world to further build relationships. Meagan gave the Wake Robin Tag Sale as an example of a long-term event (over 30 years!) that provides an opportunity to draw community attendees. Last year’s tag sale brought almost 1,000 shoppers to our campus to interact with our residents and score some great deals!

Outside of our campus, some residents supported the Pierson library campaign, they sit on Shelburne’s finance committee, and volunteer at the food shelf and schools. Some residents even hold the title of Justice of the Peace.

Staying active and staying connected… These community partnerships enrich the lives of everyone involved.