Operating a health center means you must be licensed and that involves a review every year. These surveys are unannounced. You are under review the moment the survey team comes to your door. Wake Robin recently got some very good news from one of our state regulators. This report comes to us from Heather Filonow, Director of Health & Resident Services.
The Vermont Department of Disabilities, Aging, & Independent Living, Survey & Certification Team arrived at the Linden Health Center the morning of Monday, October 7th to begin the annual re-licensure process. The focus of this survey was our skilled and long-term care neighborhoods (Cedar and Juniper). The survey team was on-site for three full days. The highest rating you can get is “no deficiencies” and Heather was proud to tell us “We had a deficiency-free survey!”
The survey looked at medical records of current and discharged residents back to August of 2023. They interviewed numerous residents and family members about the care and services we provide. They reviewed our policies and procedures and asked the staff questions. They observed our daily operations – care, meals, activities, housekeeping, therapy, responses to pendants, our engagement with residents, our infection practices in action and more – and they determined that Wake Robin is in compliance with all of the State and Federal regulations to which we are accountable.

Closing thoughts from Heather: “Excellent quality outcomes in our Health Center are not the result of one person or one department. Excellent quality outcomes are the result of everyone working together and supporting one another with the shared goal of providing high quality and compassionate care, with respect and dignity, to the residents that have entrusted us with their care. The Linden Health Center staff make this happen every hour of every day.”