If you’re new to the community, the Gentry Gallery is a pleasant surprise to discover. It resides in the Community Center hallway north of the Maple Leaf dining room and serves as sort of an “art museum” bridge to the Linden Health Center. It’s a common sight to see a resident, and at times family or friends, stop right in their tracks because of a moving piece of work. Exhibits have ranged from quilt showings, wood carvings, photography, oil paintings, and watercolors. Most displays have been completed by Wake Robin residents.
The west side of the gallery offers a long stretch of wall, approximately 117 feet, to hang artwork, and that space comes in handy as it allows for large frames and canvasses. Across the hall, the showcase shelves are backlit and contain fascinating artifacts made up of resident collections. With 80 square feet available, past collections have featured a wide range of artisan pottery and tools from early American history. Currently the showcase shelves illustrate the history of the automobile with exquisitely made miniature models from the Ford Model T to the Thunderbird.

Setting up the exhibit
The gallery of artwork is curated by members of the Gentry Gallery committee. Often, they partner with resident artists who either have professionally exhibited work or have practiced their craft for several years. The showcase shelves are of a democratic variety: topics are announced to the community and then residents contribute items that match that theme. Themes are intentionally general so residents can get creative. About half a year ago, the theme was set to transportation, and the shelves featured a model sailboat, a black and white picture of a resident’s grandfather on a horse buggy, and someone’s running shoe. The Gentry Gallery committee labels each item, so residents know who brought in what, with amusing conversations usually ensuing from what was seen on the showcase shelves.
Next time you’re in the Community Center, make sure you to stop by and enjoy the art atmosphere created by the Gentry Gallery and its exhibits!