By Nancy W.S.
What is that sport that has mature men perching in an unfamiliar, painful crouch to give a whiffle ball a tiny tap and nearly weeping when his octogenarian, minute female opponent slams it at his midsection? It is Pickleball! The court game has swept the country with those fifty and older. It is more forgiving than tennis and eons quicker than golf. Players can be any sex, size and age. Wake Robin resident and dedicated player Nan M. captures it’s appeal: “It’s a silly game and you can’t get that worked up about it.” Its only drawback is The Dink, that humiliating tap shot that must be mastered to qualify as a superior player.

Pickleball is popular at Wake Robin
Peter G. is the originator of the Pickleball movement here, having been introduced to it while visiting friends in Florida. His leadership style of relentless persistence and wry humor had us turn eight parking spaces at the Community Center into a wildly inaccurate version of a regulation court. Audiences thronged to watch us develop basic skills while tripping over curbing, crushing shrubbery and dodging moving vehicles. This year a much better temporary, almost legitimate court was created and there are now about 30 players.
Peter was aware of a 2018 bequest to Wake Robin with usage unspecified. He put together a case for Pickleball that created traction in the movement. Dick H., longtime tennis pro and keeper of our two world-class Har Tru courts, tried the sport and jumped on the bandwagon. He was key in deflecting the idea of paving over the existing courts for Pickleball. Our tennis courts get more players every year. Myriad potential sites were considered. Great progress was made recently when Peter Hausermann, our well-loved grounds man, designated the site to be above the tennis courts, next to the gardens. It is more central than many alternatives and as attractive to spectators as players. There will be a sitting area with flowers, shade, and a 4′ fence.
Our goals are now in view. Response from the residents has been great and the marketing department is finding that prospective residents are very interested in the sport. It is hoped the court will be built this fall in conjunction with other planned paving projects.
Does Wake Robin really need Pickleball? Mary H., a woman of great energy and accomplishments who arrived recently, thinks so. “This (game) makes me feel like I belong in the community.” What a gift.