Andrea Longe knows Wake Robin well. She’s worked here for 19 years and started out as a receptionist at the front desk for 3 years. After earning her degree in social work, she moved on to the health services team. Now, as the Recreation Service Coordinator who manages programs for the Linden Health Center, she takes a person-centered approach in implementing ways to inspire and engage residents. Andrea curates the quality and experience of resident engagement, builds out calendar programing, and monitors the psycho-social-spiritual wellness of each resident. “I look at my job as collaborating with residents,” Andrea reflected. “What interests them? What’s something new they want to try? It’s important to really know our community in order to best serve them.”

Andrea loves her job!
The variety of events ongoing in the Health Center certainly reflect the diverse pursuits of residents. More than half of all Linden residents participate in daily exercises classes, which are offered both in person and through televised routines featured on WRTV, Wake Robins internal channel. Especially during the pandemic, Andrea noted that “fitness has been the most common outlet for residents.” Andrea and her recreation services team found ways to incentive cardio, too. A recent “Walking Challenge” prompted many residents to take part in an expedition in which over 300,000 steps were counted, and the winner was awarded a prize.
While day trips for Linden residents were paused during the pandemic, trips to restaurants, museums, and parks – just among a few examples – are a major part of the Linden experience, and fortunately they can soon resume. All Linden residents are vaccinated, and the first trip will be to the Shelburne Beach for a classic summer barbeque!
It comes down to relationships for Andrea and the rest of the Recreation Services Team. Relationships with fellow staff, residents, and residents’ families. The pandemic was a challenging time when families could not physically visit Linden residents, and Andrea recognizes the deep trust and support she and her team had from resident families. “Our relationships with families really strengthened because they relied on us to take care of their loved ones and we took that as our greatest responsibility.”