When first arriving to Wake Robin, many things stand out. For some, it might be the community gardens and tennis courts; for others, the inviting neighborhood layout of the Linden Health Center. For Elise, who has lived at Wake Robin for 9 years, it was the décor. “When I first came here, I was blown away that all hallways were populated with framed fine art. It’s just so wonderful.” What was missing, Elise thought, was the local element.

“Lackeys” by Rett Sturman, oil on canvas
Construction renovations on the Community Center in 2019 provided such an opportunity. Expansion of the lobby area made for additional wall space to feature local artists. “Our thinking was,” Elise remembers, “that by bringing in local art, not only were we supporting local artists, but we were, in a sense, creating an art gallery at Wake Robin for all those who live here and who visit.” The residents formed the Vermont Artist Project (VAP) which was committed to acquiring original artwork by living professional Vermont artists for permanent display in the Community Center.

“December Morning Bike Ride” by Susan Larkin, oil on canvas
A big question remained: how to tap into the sprawling Vermont artists network to find pieces that fit with Wake Robin? VAP consulted UVM’s Fleming Museum, who recommended professional art curator Jessica Manley. Manley previously worked with UVM Medical Center in curating art for a new addition. “When Jess came along, it was like – thank heavens! We have a leader in someone who really knows the field,” Elise said.
Manley met with the VAP members and gleaned their artistic tastes, and then showed them Vermont artists websites. The members pored over works and when a majority of the 13 members liked a particular piece, Manley would bring it into Wake Robin for a final decision. Along the way (before the pandemic) the VAP group visited art galleries in Middlebury and Vergennes, and sometimes talked directly to artists themselves about a particular piece.
The VAP reviewed hundreds of works from over 85 Vermont artists. The group whittled down their selections to 30 art works, which now hang in the Community Center. The last acquisition stage occurs this month, as artworks in other mediums. including cut paper, fabric, and collage will be considered. Another interesting facet—Wake Robin residents and staff can submit their artwork to be chosen.

View from Mt. Philo
The Vermont Artist Project plans to create a written guide to the exhibit, with the hopes of having Manley lead a guided gallery talk sometime in the near future.
Elise sure was right. Wake Robin’s Vermont Artist Project has truly transformed the Community Center into a veritable art gallery for years to come!