Staying at home doesn’t mean you have to confine your curiosity.
As Wake Robin has followed Governor Scott’s “stay home, stay safe” orders, Program and Events Coordinator Jena Necrason has been creatively engaging residents and providing high-quality content.
It starts by casting a wide net. Necrason probes the internet for offerings from the world’s most esteemed institutions, such as the Metropolitan Museum and the Lincoln Center, and each week she provides links for residents to access virtual tours and shows. Popular cultural resources have included performances from the English National Ballet, conversations from the Tribeca Film Festival, and a Great Courses Class on the history of France.
“It’s all about creative pivoting into virtual offerings,” Necrason says. “The possibilities are endless. Just this past week we hosted a webinar for residents and depositors with award winning journalist and best selling author Garrett M. Graff. This one webinar allowed the viewers not only to virtually attend an interesting lecture on his book The Only Plane in the Sky; An Oral History of 9/11, but also allowed for participation in an engaging discussion with Graff himself.”
Author Garret M Graff gave a virtual presentation to over 50 attendees
Necrason also works with the Resident Association to provide footage for Wake Robin’s community channel, broadcasting films recommended by the Movie Committee, and archival footage from performances and lectures at Wake Robin in the past.
Staying Connected
Connection is key, and it prompted Necrason and Resident Services Coordinator, Gretchen Roberge, to create “Coffee Connections”, a weekly virtual chat with residents where conversation is open ended and pleasantly unpredictable. For example, during a recent session, a long-time resident discovered a connection with a new resident’s grandmother. Consequently, they both were founding residents back in 1993!
Added Motivation to Get Outside
As spring fully blossoms, residents are encouraged to get out doors and explore the wooded acres of the campus. To that end, Necrason has started a fun competition: The Spring/Summer 2020 Walking Challenge…Walk to Niagara Falls! Not literally of course, but until the end of August residents record their steps taken and those who go the distance and hit 375 miles – the distance to Niagara – are then entered in a drawing to win some wonderful prizes. Already, 50 residents have signed up for the challenge, and a mantra has been circulating around the Wake Robin campus: “Win at health.”
Social distancing can’t stop the music!
Wake Robin leadership is being very mindful of how to safely and appropriately ease restrictions during this difficult time allowing for outdoor opportunities such as yoga and small group wellness classes. As one resident mentioned, “we always look forward to discovering what creative programming alternatives are in store for us…on an individual basis and the community as a whole.”