A resident and her teddy bear video chat with a grandnephew from Maryland
A blog post by Wake Robin Physical Therapist Alexis Mittelstadt
The isolation precautions from the Coronavirus pandemic have certainly changed our daily routines and many experts warn of the risk of feeling isolated and lonely. The widely accepted guidelines for decreasing stress from isolation involve taking care of yourself and putting your wellness first. This means: practicing mindfulness via meditation or prayer; exercising; and regularly keeping in touch with friends and family.
Wake Robin is a community full of creative and innovative minds so I thought I might enter in a few of my own “offbeat” ideas and you can all take it from there!
- If you have a balcony or patio, take a note from the Italians for an impromptu outdoor concert or performance!
- Have a Facetime/Facebook/Skype/speakerphone “happy hour” with a friend or family member.
- Call 3 people you haven’t talked to in a “LONG” time. I did this and reconnected with 2 people I hadn’t talked to in years! Yes, it was a little awkward at first, but we got through it and it was great to catch up!
- Make signs of encouragement, funny quotes, funny messages, etc. out of found objects (paper/fabric/compostable containers/etc.) to hang in your window for passersby to enjoy.
- Call the kids and grand kids…most of them are probably home.
- If you have a grand kids, ask what they are learning that day. Perhaps you will learn something new!
- Pet the cat or dog a little longer…some say it can lower stress and anxiety. Probably depends a little onyour pet’s personality ?.

A resident doing in-home yoga with a campus-wide broadcast
Whatever the right fit is for you…find it! We’ll all be eager to reconnect once this is over!