Circus Smirkus Wows Linden Health Center Residents

The contortionist performers
Non-Profit Circus Arts Group Draws Oohs and Aahs
Wake Robin celebrated Carnival Day this month. The main event excited the entire Wake Robin Community, and a group of impressive young performers dazzled the resident audience. The group’s name? Circus Smirkus… and folks cannot stop talking about them!
What is Circus Smirkus?
Circus Smirkus is a nonprofit arts and education organization based in Greensboro, Vermont. Its mission promotes the skills, culture, and traditions of the traveling circus, and inspires youth to engage in life-changing adventures in the circus arts. Camp staff teach children of all ages (and even adults!) acrobatics, clowning, aerials, and much more.
Accordingly, participants of Circus Smirkus have a fun and unforgettable camp experience. We encourage you to view their Circus Smirkus Camp Experience video.

Juggling several batons
A Riveting Show in Wake Robin’s Juniper Garden
In the Juniper Garden on a beautiful summer morning, a troupe of youngsters performed several fantastic feats. There was juggling, flipping, dancing, and even human pyramids! The performers synchronized their every move, offered humorous dialogue, and simply delighted the crowd with their energy.
What is even more impressive, is that the road show performance is part of the summer camp series which lasts for only 3 weeks! The first half of camp is spent learning and mastering the routine while the remaining time is dedicated to area performances.

During the finale, the performers bowed to raucous applause. Each Circus Smirkus member announced where they hailed from; one teen lived close by, in Charlotte, while a couple of others grew up in Washington D.C. and Florida.
Afterward, the group of teenagers had a chance to introduce themselves and visit with residents.
Thanks to Recreation Services
Above all, Carnival Day created an atmosphere of cheer and conviviality. Both residents and staff enjoyed good company, good treats (think fried dough!), and a wonderful performance. We must thank Recreation Service Manager Andrea Longe, ACC/SMC, CDP, who coordinated the entire day.
Stay tuned for an upcoming blog post about future Linden Health Center programming!